What Type Of Clients Are We Interested In Working With?
There are a lot of people out there who are looking for help with their relationships.
However, not all of them are the right fit for us.
Who are we most interested in serving?
Generally, we are interested in working with people who are open minded, easy going, and not prone to bringing a lot of drama to a coaching relationship.
(Basically, we want to feel excited to see that we have a call booked with you and we want to feel excited to talk to you, rather than dreading it.)
The type of people who tend to do the best with us also tend to be interested in doing a deeper level of work, involving personal development, self-examination, working on their way of being, and taking a proactive approach in how they bring themselves to life and relationships.
People who are solely interested in analyzing their partner, hoping to diagnose their partner with some sort of psychological label, or think only of what to text or say next in reaction to what their partner says or does are generally not the right fit for us.
Also people with significantly challenging psychological conditions, people in abusive situations, or people who are in severe emotional crisis are generally not a good fit for us. If you fit into one of these categories, you would probably be better served by seeking out the services of a therapist, psychologist, or counselor.
If you are a heart-centered, open minded, and easy-going person who is ready and prepared to do the work, you are invited to apply for our coaching services.
Current Coaching Options
Please watch the video below before booking coaching or signing up for coaching services
The coaching availability mentioned in the video takes effect August 25, 2024, and will continue indefinitely until Clay's availability opens up.
Please Note: Because coaching involves our personal time, we do not offer refunds for coaching services. If you are not okay with this, then please do not sign up for coaching.